I had my OR interview last wednesday and it went well (I think!). My query is regarding the car I now own which is a W reg Land Rover Freelander XEDi.
My job is based entirely on the road doing photography and site plans for land and residential property so there is no question that I need the car.
The company I work for paid me a bonus 2 years ago especially to go out and buy a new/reliable car that looked smart and it paid for a 6 month old VW Polo.
Unforunately with commission going down and my BR situation becoming a reality I ended up downsizing it to a £2500ish car in December (the Freelander) in order to pay for BR fees and my esculating living expenses.
I have heard nothing yet but does anybody know what the chances are of me having to further downgrade my car??
I also wonder when I would be likely to hear from them if it is the case, or when I can assume I'm safe....
There is also the issue that the company I work for will be less than impressed after paying that bonus if I end up driving about in something untidy or unreliable.... :o(
I see no reason why you should not be able to keep the vehicle in question, the worst thing that will happen is the OR will ask you to justify why you need the vehicle - if you explain how the vehicle is needed for work along the lines as you have stated here you should experience no difficulty
Hope everything works out for you
Melanie Nicholas 28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service - Insolvency Manager Jones Giles