If I become bankrupt does this mean I would not be able to get an account with Virgin or Sky even though I have never missed a payment with my current cable operator in the past. I do not have a tv ariel and need internet to find work. Thanks
I'm sure an expert will be able to advise you on this, but as far as I'm aware, you can claim up to £50 for telephone in your I&E and this would cover your internet/phone/tv package. If you are an existing customer, I doubt you being bankrupt will have much of an effect if you have always paid your bills on time and are not in arrears. If you are considering taking on a new contract with a different supplier, then they may do a credit check first and this could cause problems as it will show up as bankruptcy on the files. Are you currently with a supplier? If so, it may be better to stick with them?
Do you already have your account with Virgin and Sky? when I went BR they were both happy for me to keep my accounts with them as I always paid on time, in fact in the words of Sky 'as long as I keep paying they don't want to know, if I don't pay they will cut me off', can't say fairer than that! My OR did say they they do write to Virgin and Sky informing them of your bankruptcy.
As for TV and Broadband I did not itemise this on my IE as it was not allowed, as I had a package I just listed it as telephone and that was fine.