I am about to be made br from a default on my IVA (which I am fully aware about and am ok with) however, could I clarify about utility bills please.
Due to one too many estimated electric bills and admin errors from my supplier, I have managed, over the period of 18 months to underpay my electric by about £900.
They are demanding I pay it back (+ my monthly usage) at about £200 per month from £38 per month currently, and refuse to budge.
I read in a booklet from the CAB that utility companies cannot chase you for outstanding bills? But I was always under the impression that you always had to pay your utility commitments. Can a company actually refuse to supply me after I have been officially made br?
They would not refuse to provide you with energy but will set up a repayment plan for the existing debt. Another way around this is that i have known people transfer suuplier, then include the debt in the bankruptcy for the original supplier, however, whether or not you will be able to find a new supplier whilst in arrears on your existing account i do not know, they may have tightened this 'loophole' maybe worth a try though
Melanie Nicholas 28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service - Insolvency Manager Jones Giles