Hello If you consider bankrupcy,Is there an option that someone(or some firm)do this for you?Is it absolutely necesary for you to be in person at the court,or if someone deals with your bankrupcy,can do all that for you? Thank you
You can grant someone power of attorney to make decisions on your behalf, sign forms etc as I am going through this process at the moment as I am now living abroad.
As 'lightattheendofthe tunnel' has written it is possible if you live abroad to appoint a power of attourney to act on your behalf.
The process of Bankruptcy has been designed to enable a person to file their own petition without the need (or cost) of others, but if you feel you need somone to go through the process with you, help complete the forms, and even atend the court if necessary, may i suggest you have a chat with one of the exprest (left hand side of the screenunder 'experts') contact one of us direct and we can arrange for this process to be done for you. Don't be scared many people feel as you do and this is why the service is provided.
Melanie Nicholas 28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service - Insolvency Manager Jones Giles