Had my court inerview today thought my heart would break through my chest wall sitting beside the judge and opposite the solicitor petitioning for my BR. The judge was SO nice to me he could have been a father to me. He told me he hoped his granting the BR would remove the pressure for me told me not to worry about the OR interview he said the situation was to my benefit as the petitioner had been advised not to petition for my BR and they stand to gain nothing, though of course along with the petitioners debt the rest of my debts have been wiped though they were just general credit cards etc and I had been paying regularly this extra debt was impossible for me to pay and was a result of me foolishly guarantoring something for my brother in good faith and him letting me down, the judge said he wished me well for the future and really really made me feel a whole lot better though I was petrified and am still very worried about the OR interview I just wanted to share my court experience and say from the front desk to the eventual contact conversation with the OR office every single person I spoke to was really kind. ONE BIG PIECE OF ADVICE PLEASE IF NOT TO OTHER POSTERS ON THIS SITE THEN MAYBE TO YOUR FRIENDS RELATIVES ETC PLEASE DO NOT GUARANTOR SOMETHING FOR ANYONE ELSE EVER UNLESS YOU REALLY REALLY KNOW THEY ARE PREPARED TO DIE FOR YOU AS ITS THE MOST DISTRESSING THING EVER TO BE GUNNED DOWN FOR HELPING SOMEONE ELSE. Its a lonely trip to the court office (even when you have company no one else can feel that pain for you) and you will find those eager for your help with guarantoring are nowhere to be seen when the need is yours, obviously mine is a bad story but just be aware. Will let you all know the outcome of the interview thanks for being there .... still frightened but trying to be brave and strong