I have been declared bankrupt and the OR said he has told the banks/credit card company's that i am bankrupt but i don't stop getting constant phone calls from the banks and credit card companys asking for money/payments... some of the calls i don't even get a chance to talk to them as they are automated
When do they stop and what do i say to them when they ask for money?
Help please, i have been trying to get into touch with my OR but his never there for me to ask him this question.
When they call give them the number from the top of your BR order with the date and court it was issued at. Ask them to direct their calls to the relevant OR and update their records forthwith. Failing that scan or fax them a copy of your order. The judge told me it can take a while for them to get the message but hang in there they will!!
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurman,Sunscreen) Life's too short!!!
Same as above. Once they know your BR they will stop hounding you but they sometimes take quite a while to get it into the system. I was embarrased at first telling people who called but it bacame commonplace after that.
I have had no calls since monday when I went BR to 9 creditors, I phoned them all and gave them the Details. My biggest creditor HSBC cannot cotact me as a few weeks ago I logged into Internet Banking and removed all my phonenumbers from their system:)I bet they are really P***ed off hee hee:)