After some advice. I went bankrupt back in January knew I was going to get an IPA so that's fine. I disagreed with the calculation as I was only allowed as a single person £194 housekeeping with no allowance for meals for work I requested £240, the examiner also put my dental/optician down to £19 despite my contacts alone costing £15 per month. I gave evidence of my pet insurance and that was disallowed from £36 to £20. I spoke to the examiner who advised me to keep shopping receipts and put it all in writing and I received a new calculation on 19 March with no breakdown and a slight change of a couple of pounds. I requested a breakdown on 25 March and followed up with three phone calls and received the breakdown today!!! My receipts and requests have all been ignored, I still only get £19 for dental/opticians and how I'm going to pay for glasses , checkup etc with £4 per month amazes me, I work full time so don't get NHS help. Anyway I've sent a new letter whihc has crossed with their breakdown as I have just received my cost of living rise in work so I assume they will take all of that off me too now.
What can I do now, can I appeal? Any advice appreciated.
be polite but resolute. Do not allow yourself to be bullied.
If you are confident your expenditure claims are reasonable then stand your ground. You do not need to appeal, just don't sign the proposal.
If I were you I would send a letter via registered post detailing the claims that you have made which you see as appropriate but the eaminer has questioned. But also stating that you accept (if indeed you do) that a payment of some kind should be made as you agree that you have sufficient DI to make such a payment but dispute the amount.
Before the OR would seek an IPO through the court a higher authority than the examiner will review your claims. If they are then agreed then all is well. If they do not agree but you are still quite sure that your claims are reasonable then let it go before the court and print off the supportive evidence that you have researched and present it to the judge.
IPO applications are few and far between and of those some do fail.