hi this is what im going to put on my form can u all have alook over it and see what you think .its for a family of 2 adults 2 children at school.....
rent £700 gas/elec £150 water £50 car ins £47 landline phone £30 tv licencse £11
housekeeping £501 travel to work (petrol) £260 clothing £150 moblie £80 (for two of us) pet ins £26 school meals £80 aa £12 dentist/optital £49 haircuts £30 domestic break £50 car tax £40 (for two cars ) car mots/servicing £60 (for two cars ) afterschool clubs £35 internet £26
me and hubby are going br so should we break to the car stuff up on each form or leave it as it is above on both forms.just we will put housekeeping on both forms as £501 as i dont earn that much and its per household ..
car tax £40 (for two cars ): Is the car tax £240 per car per year? If it is that's fine but you must have 2 gas guzzlers
dentist/optital £49: Do you or the kids wear glasses?
Everything looks ok other than the car tax and dentist that looks to be a bit high. If that is what you pay then you should be entitled to it as you can always provide car tax renewal details or car details that will show that tax band and also dental/optician receipts.
thanks for your reply one of my kids wears glasses and me and my husband have to pay for dentist but i think i will lower this . not sure if i should increase domestic break thou am scared if i put it to high they will not let me have any even thou all my family live up country so i need petrol money just to see them once in a while .
im going to ring up and get a appointment next week to get the ball rolling but am very worryed about the whole process.what would do you think i should put for dentist ect ...
You should put down the amounts that you spend and not what you think the OR will allow. If you spend £49 on dentist/optician per month then put this down.
During the OR's interview you will go through the I&E with the OR. The OR may reduce some things if they think they are unreasonable but if you have receipts/bills, etc. for amounts then the OR cannot disagree with these.
It's up to you whether you increase the domestic break or not but £80 is the guideline amount for 2 adults/2 kids. The OR won't be angry and criticise you for the amounts you put down but will just reduce them if they deem them to be unreasonable.