I have been told that the OR does not talke Tax credits/Child benefit into account is this correct and that becuase my salary is £1110 per month it is unlikely that I will get an IPA is that right.
Whether or not you get an IPA depends on your level of disposable income. There is a table in my blog which gives you an idea of what you would be expected to pay should you get an IPA. I have also listed the expenses I was allowed to claim as part of my I & E.
Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.
Thanks Skippy. When I filled in the SOE forms it left us with about £5 disposable income - no wonder my IVA failed! My husband contributes twice what I earn to the household expenses. I have my OR phone interview on Friday so I guess I am getting a bit jittery. I don't know what to expect from the call, we are very reliant on my husbands income for everything - my wages just cover the rent!