a) Enter your name and address b) ignore unless you have changed your name c) I left this blank but when I handed the forms in the BR Clerk asked me to enter any previous addresses I had lived at during the previous 3 years. d) I think this is only if you are declaring BR if your business has gone bust. Leave blank for personal BR. e) As above
Section 2: Enter your current address
Section 3: Nothing needed here. This is just to confirm that you are insolvent.
Section 4: If you have previously been made BR within the last 5 yrs enter the details here if not cross out the 'I was declared BR on' line. The same with the next parts. If you entered into an IVA enter the details.
I left this section as it was and the BR Clerk crossed out the relevant sections for me. It's probably safest to leave this until you submit the forms so you don't cross out the wrong section.
Section 5: Do not sign this until you submit the forms as it should be signed in front of the BR Clerk.