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 Hello everyone. When my husband and I went bankrupt
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Posted - 04 September 2009 :  19:10:07  Show Profile  Visit shelleyandrew76's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Hope you are all enjoying the rain we have been having.

I have a couple of queries which I would be grateful if someone could help me with please.

When my husband and I went bankrupt at the beginning of June we filled out all the forms seperately. A couple of days later we received a letter from the OR to ask us to fill the forms out together (why was this??) Also as a joint I&E form was filled out would we have been allowed to have £198 DI before an IPA was put into place??

Another thing is our rent has gone down by £50 which was automatically taken out of my husbands wages before he was paid so we now have this extra £50 every month, however our heating/lighting has gone up by £26 - do we need to tell the OR this??

One last thing is when my husband works away for a good few months on end he earns more money being away - do we need to inform the OR of this too?? We informed them at the start of the bankruptcy that he was paid more when away but nothing was said about it.

Thank you all so much for reading.

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2418 Posts

Posted - 04 September 2009 :  19:20:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by shelleyandrew76

When my husband and I went bankrupt at the beginning of June we filled out all the forms seperately. A couple of days later we received a letter from the OR to ask us to fill the forms out together (why was this??) Also as a joint I&E form was filled out would we have been allowed to have £198 DI before an IPA was put into place??

I am not too sure why you would have been asked to complete a joint I&E but someone else may have had a similar issue and yes, you should be entitled to £198 DI (i.e. £99 each) before an IPA is implemented.

Originally posted by shelleyandrew76

Another thing is our rent has gone down by £50 which was automatically taken out of my husbands wages before he was paid so we now have this extra £50 every month, however our heating/lighting has gone up by £26 - do we need to tell the OR this??

Yes, you should tell the OR about any changes in income while you are BR regardless of whether you have an IPA or not.

Originally posted by shelleyandrew76

One last thing is when my husband works away for a good few months on end he earns more money being away - do we need to inform the OR of this too?? We informed them at the start of the bankruptcy that he was paid more when away but nothing was said about it.

Same as above. The OR would probably take an average of 3 months pay to work out whether an IPA was applicable or not.
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Posted - 04 September 2009 :  19:30:37  Show Profile  Visit shelleyandrew76's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you for your answers gettingoutofdebt. When we write to the OR and tell him about this change will he request another I&E form to be completed jointly/seperately or not at all and just presume expenditure is the same. We do not have an IPA and will still not have enough DI with this decrease in rent.

My husband going away is very unpredictable. He is going away soon for 3 months but then home again for at least 6. If they take the average over 3 months how could they implement an IPA as the DI will not be there when hes home. Can the amount of an IPA change over the 3 years or does it have to stay the same.

Thank you again.

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Posted - 05 September 2009 :  20:36:28  Show Profile  Visit shelleyandrew76's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Any advice on this would be really appreciated

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Posted - 06 September 2009 :  08:01:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The IPA can change over the 3 yrs as your income or circumstances change.

If you mention to the OR that your husband has a 3 month away/6 months home scenario then they will take the average of 9 months pay. 3 months is the norm for self-employed people or people whose income varies but if the income varies over a longer period then this average should be taken.

You can only have an IPA implemented while you are BR so once you are discharged if an IPA hasn't been implemented it never will be.
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Posted - 06 September 2009 :  11:03:28  Show Profile  Visit shelleyandrew76's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks again.

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