Have everything set to hand papers in on Monday morning!! but really nervous and worrid bout it..I know im doing the right thing because I simply cant cope with the amount of debt I have with two young children.
I have debt with N power for gas bill.. we are now suplied by someone else but they still surply the electicity but also in debt with that bill I rang them up to try and set a monthly payment plan but they didnt want to know unless i paid 30% of bill which was 147.00 then they said I could set up a DD to pay balence...simply cant pay the 30% so they said they would still continue down the collections route to send out someone to disconnect us. I was going to put the gas debt in the BR but now considering doing the same with the electicity.
What I want to know..should by husband ring another suppler and set up acc in his name for elec/ and if so should he do before or after Npower Know they have been entered into BR. We wanted to change a couple of months ago but they wouldnt let the acc go cause of debt which makes me think he should wait until they close acc?
would like to know of any of your experiences to do with including utility bills in BR thanks
i went br on the 20th of aug i too have a large gas and elec bill they wanted to upt my payments up to £278 a mouth which i could not afford so we went onto a pay as u go metre im finding this so much better to manage our debt was with eon and we staayed with eon for the pay as u go metre i have incuded it in my br and everything has been fine up to now .if i was you i wouls change over its so much more easyer to get along with and no chance of racking up more debt and its free to change over
Hi all I am with Eon I had a debt of just over £350 with them, I had not heard from them for more than 3months after the Br so I contacted them,to talk over the optoins, at first they said I would have to have a pre-payment meter, I sugested I paid them a deposit, The lady went away and asked her supervisor, and they agreed that would be OK, I had to pay £300 up frount, I am able to change the tariff when I want, or even change supplier. hope this helps