I was searching around on google and this site came up, seeing as there seems to be a fair few knowledgable people around I was hoping I could get some advice here that isn't laced with trying to sell me something.
In short I have an IVA with a company that while starting off good has become increasingly demanding to the point where I can no longer maintain it. As I have no assests, no mortgage and a car thats falling apart I was considering bankruptcy. Although a Debt Relief order would have been ideal my debt is over £30k.
I do not think I would be capable of applying for bankruptcy myself, although I am still considering this an option. I had recieved letters from 'IVA Watchdog' and even met one of their advisors, but from hunting around it would seem they are NOT the people to go with.
I was wondering if there was any way for me to find a actual government backed company that helps people process bankruptcy without the hidden agenda's of taking more money for their pot. The government does not seem to provide a list of the companies they back.
Do any of you have any companies you could suggest? I know someone that used "Debt Release Direct" and they are at least registered with the FSA but I'm still really wary.
Sorry for the long first post! Thank you in advance for any help.
You will need to let your IVA fail before declaring BR and this normally happens after 3 missed payments. You should also speak to your IP if you are having difficulty with the IVA.
For bankruptcy the CCCS, CAB and National Debtline offer free advice and I think the CAB will also assist in completing the forms.
The forms aren't that difficult to complete and there are guidance forms and assistance from people on this forum so you can easily complete them yourself.
For BR you can find your local court at http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/CourtList.do. You should contact them and find out the procedure for declaring BR Some have an appointment system and others just let you turn up on the day. If it is an appointment system then it can take 4 weeks for your appointment.
You will need 3 copies of the 6.27 and 6.28 forms to declare BR except at the High Court where you only need one copy. Don't sign the forms before you go to court as they need to be signed in front of the bankruptcy clerk.
Edited by - gettingoutofdebt on 09 September 2009 20:38:52