just had to let someone know that today i have recieved a letter from the or asking me to complete a i&e form and they are going to apple for early discharge cant believe this is happening so early i only went br in aug .i really hope it all goes ok
how long does it take from when i have sent letter back does anyone know ?
nice one!!!!! the OR has to contact your creditors to see if they have any objections to your ED it usually takes 6-8 weeks maybe longer with Christmas
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurman) RevivaUK helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!
I went bankrupt in June and received my EDREV form and returned it same day on 19th October (4 months after going bankrupt) I have still not heard anything (2 months have passed now).