Hi Sylvia The fees for Bankruptcy are £510 not £450. £360 is the Official Receiver's fee and £150 the Court Fee. If you are on certain benefits, unemployed, or your income is low you can have the Court fee reduced and in many cases removed but the OR fee is, I'm afraid, written in stone.
If your debts are less than £15K you could opt for a Debt Relief Order instead and the cost is around £90. If you have been in the armed forces the British Legion, RAFA offer assistance too.
Hopefully there will be other members who may be able to be of more help on this topic.
John White Independent Debt Consultant Specialising in Bankruptcy
The first link provides details of the benefits you need to be in receipt of in order to claim the reduction and how to claim it.
I did hear that certain utility companies can also provide assistance with the fee. The CAB will have more information about this and also any other possible assistance.
One thing worth mentioning is that you shouldn't continue to pay your creditors if you are going to declare BR. This money can then be used to pay for the BR fee.