T O P I C R E V I E W |
Nat |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 16:36:25 HI all
bit confused as i thought that if i owed money to inlad revenue (tax credits in this case) this would not be written off and i would still have to pay this back. However, just read another thread, and may have misinterpeted, but i read it to mean that they could be written off???
I did put it on my SoA and stated what i thought the repayments might be on my I&E.
Be good if it was written off as I think I have a court battle about to commence with my ex and could be very expensive but must be done. All of a sudden being BR means very little, got much bigger probs at the mo, didn't think that would be possible but kids mean much more than any amount of money.  |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Nat |
Posted - 02 October 2008 : 21:45:11 Hi Dee Thanks for that. I got a payment form from tax credits today. I gave them a call and spoke to someone in their collections they are going to speak to OR so still no idea but I made a boo, boo and in all the stress of things i picked up an overpayment form from 2007 and thought that i had only recieved it last month!!! So i actually only owe them £488 so what will be will and it is listed in my outgoings so it's not going to be a problem to manage if i do have to pay it back. Dee, how did they manage to everpay you £8k that's some figure?? Nat |
Dee |
Posted - 02 October 2008 : 20:49:02 Hi
I went BR in May. I had about £8k overpayments from previous years which I was paying back via deductions from my present payments. This debt was written off in the BR but deductions will continue to be made in the tax year in which you were made BR. After that no further deductions will be made. If I ger early discharge and send in my discharge cert then they will make the adjustments in this tax year. Confusing I know but I hope it helps.
View my Blog at http://DeeDee.blogs.iva.co.uk/ |
Needafriend |
Posted - 02 October 2008 : 08:40:14 Hi Nat
That sounds just like my OR at the time of my interview.
I will let you all know if i hear anything about it and please do the same.
The Tax credits are good its just they always seem to have us paying it back :-(
Jo x
Please visit my blog for info on how I got here and other information to guide you through from my experience called:
"Needafriend's New Debt Free Life with Links and added info on Bankruptcy!" available to view at:
http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ |
Nat |
Posted - 01 October 2008 : 19:38:21 Hi all Not sure if my tax credits will be included or not my OR wasn't sure at all. It seems that tax credits really don't know what they are doing at all!!!! Good luck everybody with it |
eamonn |
Posted - 30 September 2008 : 12:39:55 hi i have not included mine yet but i suppose i should but the main reason i have not is that my ctc payment has never been correct in the 3 years i have claimed (i have about 15 different statments from them and the last is wrong but i can not be bothered to put it right because the next one will be wrong again anyway)maybe they will get it right some time prob when the claim finishes |
Posted - 30 September 2008 : 09:46:04 That's ok then, I was getting a bit worried then! If I go into the next band it won't be by a lot, all depends on what work is on offer. |
Needafriend |
Posted - 30 September 2008 : 09:23:17 Hi RHB
The only reason i got billed was because my other half and i split and i did a single claim, then we got back together and the claim had to be shut down and a new one made, then they billed me for overpayment. They told me they could not add it onto a new claim as it was under an old one. If i have overpayment for this year then they will take from next years money and like you i think we will be over paid yet again. The new system is a nightmare and every year we are over paid even though we inform them. I would leave it as is and let it come out of neat years allowance if i were you.
Jo x
"There is light at the end of the tunnel, if you cant find it get a brighter torch"
For links to help with Bankruptcy, useful web pages and also a run down of my new debt free life, both before and after Bankruptcy, then please visit my blog:
http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ |
Posted - 30 September 2008 : 08:31:13 I'm just wondering if I will have an overpayment this year cos I thiink I'll be going into the next band of money, so do I need to keep some money aside to pay them back with do you think????? |
Nat |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 21:05:19 Hi Moneyworries I've been BR for 11 days now! It's the OR interview on Wednesday.
Don't be nervous, it really is much easier than you think going to court, I know everyone said that to me and I still looked absolutely petrified but it was over in 45 minutes and quite a bit of the time was down to the cashier checking that my money wasn't counterfeit!! You really will be fine and don't worry if you miss anything on you rform it will be picked up and you can alter it there as necessary.
A word of warning everyone there are loads of dodgy £20 notes going about at the moment.
RHB - tax credits don't deduct off your current tax credits or the following years, mad I know, I did ask them to do that. And I'm sure they are wrong this year as well, have queried it and they are adamant that they are right, i'll find out next year i guess!
Jo - thanks for your input, think i'll just sit it out and wait and see what the OR says, will let you know how it goes.
Thanks everyone!! |
movin on |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 20:17:33 Nat
I take it your going br on wednesday or is that when your interview with or is ?
Please keep us informed - im going BR on 13 october so shouldnt be too far behind you. Im very nervous already
Good luck
The weights are coming off my shoulders very slowly, but making such a big diference !! |
Needafriend |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 19:39:40 Hi i also wrote my one down on my SoA and it should be included too. Ours was an old claim, that once the old claim was cancelled we were billed, then we started it back up again and the debt could not be included in the new claim hence the bill. Hope this helps.
Jo x
"There is light at the end of the tunnel, if you cant find it get a brighter torch"
For links to help with Bankruptcy, useful web pages and also a run down of my new debt free life, both before and after Bankruptcy, then please visit my blog:
http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 19:21:15 Won't they just adjust your tax credits accordingly though, in other words they will go down for this next year by #800? |
Nat |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 18:02:54 Hi Jenny
THanks, I did put them on my unsecured debts guess I'll know in less than 48 hours eh?!!
Nat x |
movin on |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 17:58:24 Hi Nat
Well im certainly no expert, however i have been informed that any overpayments can be added to BR (i have put them down on my forms anyway).
I hope this helps a little.
Jenny xx
The weights are coming off my shoulders very slowly, but making such a big diference !! |
Nat |
Posted - 29 September 2008 : 17:53:10 hI RHB
I didn't think that it would be written off. It's actually 2 seperate claims but both together total just short of £800. |