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 How do I file Notice of Disassociation?

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Caroline Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:10:47
Hiya - how do I file a notice of disassociation? I've looked at the credit reference websites and can't find much about it - is there a particular form or do I just need to send a letter of some sort?
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Caroline Posted - 26 March 2009 : 14:06:26
Oooo ok, thanks for that, good point
pix1 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 18:01:37
Credit searches are meant to be ONLY on the individual NOT on anyone at the same address or with the same surname.

The possible problem with filing a disassociation is that it will alert finance companies to an association where they might not otherwise have known anything about it! That is, it could be counter-productive.
Caroline Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:39:02
memphisd56 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:35:14
Hey...I`ll rent some space, but your gonna have to pay LOADS upfront!!!
tim73 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:34:36
well if you do let me know if youve got a spare room haha!! all the best for monday.
Caroline Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:33:11
Blimey - brave man!! I don't think I could've gotten away without telling mine. Am hoping tho that I'll actually be able to move out one day now!
tim73 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:30:31
lucky you.....i havent even told mine!!!!!!! so if they find out and if anyone has a room to let please let me know!!!
Caroline Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:27:30
Ha ha - I know what you mean! my parents took some convincing I can tell you! I've my appointment at court to petition on Monday - bring it on!
Thanks for the advice - I'll go and have a look at experian, I realise its on the individual, but I think I'll do it anyway just to make sure as my mother and I have the same initals and I'd hate for there to be confusion.
tim73 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:24:13
im not sure, but i went bankrupt yesterday and prior to that i just filled that form in and the letter i received just said that its the individual not the address that would be 'blacklisted' so to speak because there is no financial link to me and my parents. from what ive heard my parents are free to obtain credit. (unlike me!!!!)
Caroline Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:18:30
Thanks Tim. I'm in the same boat - I live with my parents. I thought it would be them who has to file the notice - is it actually me then?
tim73 Posted - 25 March 2009 : 15:16:12
hi, i just downloaded mine from experian and filled it in and sent it off. then a week or so later i received a letter from them saying that i wasnt financially linked to my parents (as i live with them) in any way shape or form. hope this helps. tim.

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