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 Banks for bankrupts!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
beermonster Posted - 06 September 2009 : 16:00:34

Which banks are the most sympathetic to bankrupts? I have a current account with Abbey and know it will befrozen when I declare myself bankrupt. I was wondering what to do about my wages being paid in, direct debits etc. Will they be sympathetic and will it only be forzen for a short time or will I need to open a totally new account? If so which bank?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nicdavies75 Posted - 07 September 2009 : 07:27:48
Hi, theres also the Barclays cashcard account as well, which i have now.
sjbyron Posted - 07 September 2009 : 00:12:22
Abbey arent Bankruptcy friendly, they will freeze your account but will also add charges for bounced standing orders / direct debits because they dont cancel them, that happened to me, so they became a creditor after adding £250 of charges in 3 weeks.

Stu J Byron
gettingoutofdebt Posted - 06 September 2009 : 17:32:41
If Abbey isn't one of your creditors then you could give them a call and see if they would switch your account to their basic account as this is normally all BR people are allowed.

As Housing mentioned the Co-op Cashminder is the account that most people, including myself, have and you shouldn't have a problem opening an account with them.

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