Thanks a million for your suggestions, they are truly appreciated. Gentleb your story was of great help, i'm glad you have found some peace after living where you did. All this gives me the strength to buckle down and get on with things Thanks
IMHO the court day for BR is a bit of an anticlimax. you really worry about it before hand but afterwards you think "why was i worrying" the relief is immense, not having to worry about opening letters or answering the phone.... it is great. Months/years later you will wonder what all the fuss was about. BR is definately not as big a deal as most people think as you can see with the number of people who are going down this route.
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurman) RevivaUK helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!