Hi everyone, we are filling out the bankrupcty forms and are on the expenditure part, is everything I'm putting here ok??
I just wanted to check and is there anything else I can claim for??,
Rent £475 Council Tax £108 Food/Clothes £450 Gas £35 Electric £28.50 Water £35 T Mobile £75 - includes my laptop & husband's work hours Virgin £48 includes line rental, TV & Broadband sometimes it changes due to the telephone Car Insurance £69 Home Insurance £22 Pet Insurance £35 - cat & dog TV Licence £12 Petrol £350 - his work travelling Hairdressers £30 Prescriptions £10 Hoildays £25
Pet Insurance £35 - cat & dog - It's normally £20 max for pets.
Car Tax £140 (every 6 months) - Put down the monthly amount. The OR will probably want you to use the 12 month tax amount as it works out cheaper than the 6 monthly car tax.
Virgin £48 - Put this down as Telephone/Internet. You will only be allowed the Internet if it is used for education purposes but the ORs don't normally allow Sat/Cable TV as an expense.
Hairdressers £30 - £10 per adult and £5 per child is the normal allowance so if there are 2 adults/kids then this is fine.
Food/Clothes £450 - You should separate these into 'Housekeeping including food/cleaning' and 'Clothes'
Petrol £350 - The OR will definitely question this amount so make sure you have the receipts to prove this amount.
What about MoT/servicing? £25 per month is normally allowed.