I am still bankrupt but have filled in ED forms 8 weeks ago so expecting discharge in the next few weeks.
I went for a customer service role with a utilities company through an agency and did a credit check which i failed on. i could apply again once ive been discharged.
Just wanted to know as soon i become discharged, how long would it take for experian,equifax etc or whoever the agency used, to show discharged on their systems.
i dont think me printing it off from the insolvency website will do as they'd probably wanna do it their way from the systems they use.
printing off the insolvency web site does work on most occasions.
I believe that if you want to challenge or get the Experian, Equifax system updated, they have an inhouse challenge process. contact or email them providing the above print out and they should update their records.
From distant memory they will put a 30 day notice on your report stating that you are challenging their information and that you claim to be now discharged during the 30 days they will have to check that their records are correct and update accordingly, by which time the OR report should filter through.
hope this helps but it is from a distant challenge I had 4 - 5 yrs ago so processes may have been updated.