Hi I have never been formally told that I have been discharged from bankrupcy however I went bankrupt in Oct 2008. I have also checked my credit score and it is still showing outstanding debt including the mortgage even though the house has been repossesed. Can you help me as we are struggling to get into new rental properties as soon as we tell the agents we have been made bankrupt. Kind regards Siobhan
First, if you do not hear anything from the OR, you will automatically be discharged from bankruptcy one year after you have declared yourself bankrupt therefore you have been discharged from bankruptcy for a year. Your credit report should show that all the debts, including the shortfall on the mortgage, have been satisfied. It may be a good idea to write to these creditors to make sure that they update their recordes to reflect this. If it is causing a problem, it may be a good idea to apply to the court where you were made bankrupt for a Certificate of Discharge from bankruptcy and send copies to your creditors. There is a charge of £60 for this but if it will help your credit report, it may be worth considering.