help working abroad? im thinking of going abroad to work as a last resort, do i need to inform the or? ive had quite enough! sorry to sound morbid ive lost my home, family and was initally advised extremely badly by the cab! my bro has been extended for 5 years and i feel that with the new ipa rules any extra £ i earn will be taken off me! am i better off working abroad? thank you for your continuing support and advice.
As per Debtinfo's advice in that thread if you don't have an IPA by the time you are discharged then you won't receive an IPA. The Automatic Discharge is the important date (11th Dec) and not the date your BRU expires.
If you haven't had an IPA setup by the 11th December then you won't get an IPA. This means you would be able to keep your income. You would have to inform the OR of any changes in your contact details (i.e. address) and would probably have to declare any bonuses or windfalls during your BRU period but any 'normal' monthly income from employment would be yours to keep.
The same rules will apply regardless of whether you remain in the UK for the period of your BRU or move abroad.