Hello Circa £90,000 of unsecured debt. Most of it credit card, bank loans. Lost my job (senior director) last year, no success in finding employment yet. 60 yrs old this year. House recently sold as severance payment used up in paying monthly motgage and credit card bills Negative equity, so had borrow £3,000 from a personal friend to clear the mortgage outstanding. So no assets to speak of. Employment pension (£1450 per month) is only income. Living in rented accomm. Can you suggest any bankruptcy advisors I could go and see (in the Lincoln/Newark area ideally), as I am certain br is my only option. Regards Jim
You don't actually need to go and see anyone as any of the experts will be able to advise you over the phone. You can find their contact details in the experts section at the side of the page.
I agree that it might be worth talking to one or two companies to see if they can help you and always find out what their charges are as they will be on top of the court fees.
Buckle your seat belt Dorothy, 'cos Kansas is going bye bye.