Please can someone give me some advise on my case development: Br in June 2010 with no assets and renting. OR int went fine and was told they would recommend me for early discharge.Debts were all over 6-7 years old and had also been in DMP for 5 years. Had no communications from OR apart from letter stating my car was excempt/which was good. Had letter two weeks ago from OR stating I was being put forward for ED and had to fill in a new Income/ex form...wich hasnt changed abit since the BR day. Then had letter from OR saying my file was soon to go to RTLU. Then had letter from RTLU asking if I could let him know what I spent my compensation money on...??? Heeelp!I got this comp money in May before BR date,and it was ALL comp money-no loss of earnings.I have the solicitor letter/email to verify this. Im so worried now!!I cant remember much from those months last year because of all the emotional turmoil etc,other than I bought new bed+madress at the advise of my osteopat/doctor and it paid for the BR fee's.... I certainly didnt spend any of it on gamblin or alchohol... if thats what theyre checking???
I am beyond myself with the horrific thought that suddenly the RTLU will ask for all that money??? I am under the nil tax code and paying to Moon B each month and as per my income/exp form I have less than £30 DI each mnth.
Does anyone have any advise about this?? Is it pretty normal .....Help-Im so worried!! :(