Possibly now if you've cleaned up your credit file. If you have you can try Moneybarn, carloan4u or creditplus. You will pay a higher interest rate though.
Thanks for reply I did try a renault dealer yesterday and there finance company turned me down it was called RCI. I have written to their under writers to ask why? I see it as if I don't get the chance to borrow money I will never get the chance to build on my credit file. I checked my credit file with Equifax and my score is 358 Fair Thanks for your reply
The bankruptcy will be on your credit file until October 2015 so you will have to look at the companies I've mentioned as they deal with bad credit. Don't try any high street lenders or any more dealers as you will be turned down and it will damage your credit rating even more. To help re build your credit rating you can always apply for a Vanquis credit card but make sure you pay it off each month as it's high interest rate. Also your bank account and phone contract if you have one will all help your rating.
Thanks for reply I did try a renault dealer yesterday and there finance company turned me down it was called RCI. I have written to their under writers to ask why? I see it as if I don't get the chance to borrow money I will never get the chance to build on my credit file. I checked my credit file with Equifax and my score is 358 Fair Thanks for your reply
358 is very low!.. Before I went BR mine was 1001 which is the max it can go.
I hope someone helps you to get back on the lending ladder though. You're right it's needed.
Bear in mind credit scores don't mean a lot these days. Lenders tend to have their own criteria which I have found out to my cost before having been turned down for one bank account only to be offered a full one complete with credit card at another bank 2 hours later!!