I'm sorry to sound harsh but drinking doesn't solve anything.
As Niobe says BR isn't the end, it's a fresh start. I went BR 5.5 years ago and, in my circumstances, it was the best thing I could do. It gave me a completely fresh start and since I went BR I have moved house and got married which proves you can come out the other side.
Speak to an expert for advice and take the opportunity to put your debts behind you and move on.
The more I have to do with humans the more I think that the world would be a better place if it was run by animals.
Last IPA payment made on 28th June 2010 and I'm now looking forward to getting married in September 2012 - I'm proof that you can go BR and come out the other side.
As the others have said, please speak to an expert to chat everything through. Please don't turn to drinking, it'll make things worse, and debt can be sorted.