I have written a few rambling and self involved mails over the past few days - which I am sure are of no use to anyone but me. However I have a few specific queries to ask which one day may be useful to someone else - so I will start a seperate thread.
Earlier I was reading drowning-mummy's blog (the best thing I have read in many a long week) and she mentions the InsolvencyDirect website. I have just signed up to check the site out and it seems that to use it I would need to type in a lot of details about myself and my situation and save it online. My question is if I start to fill it in will my creditors be notified I thinking of filing for bankruptcy? Might they even have access to the data I save? I always worry about online forms as the privacy statements are so long and complex. For all I know the moment I start filling in the forms there is a record of it somewhere on my credit file and every creditor I have gets a warning that I am about to start filing. If so - I'd sooner do the paperwork offline.
A related question. To fill out the forms I would need to declare all my creditors. Now those who read my other post will know I have been hiding under the bed for the last few years and they have all given up trying to find me. If I apply to Experian for a copy of my credit file will I suddenly have a string of bailiffs at my front door because they have been alerted to where I am? I can't see anyway I could get my credit file without disclosing my current location so if this is the case I need to wait until I have the money to file before I send off for the details. Is it even possible they will hold back the listing for a few days to give my creditors a head start on me? I should imagine I'd need to be 100% I was going to file before I started this process.
Of course all of this may be me worrying about nothing. It may also be sheer paranoia (I know all about that). However if someone here knows the answers it would set my mind at ease.