I do not own a house, the house I live in is in my husbands name only would this be effected? also the car I have my husband paid for but the log book is in my name would this be effected? I have no income because my business had to be closed down after a serious accident last year. I have debts from the business which include a bank loan, overdraft and a supplier debt which I am in the middle of arguing over due to the fact that I disagree with the amount they are asking for and they have failed to prove that the amount they request is due. What are my best options at this stage.
Firstly, whilst the house is in your husband's sole name, the OR may argue that you have developed a proprietry interest as you would have been contributing to the mortgage. It's a difficult one to argue as to the percentage. How long has he had the house? How long have you been married and lived there together? What percentage of the household expenditure were you covering?
With regard the car, the registered keeper is not necessarily the legal owner. Can you provide any evidence (bank statements etc) to show the OR that your husband paid for the car?
It is very difficult to say at this stage what your best options are. Have you tried speaking to one of my colleagues on the helpline for some free advice?
Julian Donnelly Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk Don't forget the helpline on 0800 078 9367