Just had my wage slip through for this months wages and theres an extra £60 in it because Gordon Brown messed up!!! And have been told by our accounts lady that I will also receive an extra £10 a month for the next 6 months.
Very very handy this month as it means I can afford to get a years car tax instead of 6 months! Car insurance, car tax, service and MOT all due this month!!!
I am assuming that after my OR interview tomorrow when I receive an extra £10 a month that will get taken off me? Also when I completed my bankruptcy forms I put what my normal tax amount was, this has obviously changed so do I pay the new amount for six months then whatever it is when it changes again?
Hi for the amounts we're talking about here and the fact the £60 is a one off and the 6 month benefit to you is only £10 per month I would not mention it unless the examiner does.
There is a procedure to follow when changing IPA's which takes a lot of admin time and for this amount I doubt it's in the OR's interest.
My tax at the moment is £271 which is what I put down on my forms but for the next 6 months my tax will be £261 because of the £10 refund I will get. Will I have to pay £271 (which means I won't gain £10 a month) or £261?