As long as they are not jointly liable for any of your debts it will not affect them. your own credit rating would be affected for 6 years but the credit reference agencies are duty bound not to allow other people's names to come up on any credit reference search by any company, etc. your bankruptcy would be advertised in the Gazette newspaper and would show the address of your parents but this is separate to the credit reference files. your name and address would also appear on the Insolvency Service website for your undischarged bankruptcy and for three months after you are discharged then it would come off the website.
Just to add I was told if anything did come up on your parents credit files then you can be financially sperated from them, by writing to each of the agencies.
Onwards and Upwards is the way im going :-0)
From "Moneyworries" to "Movin On" in 3 months is fantastic :-))