Hi. I have been discharge from my bankruptcy and recieved the paperwork saturday, but recieved a letter today from one of my creditors inregards to charges etc. It was just a personal loan from Welcome Finance. Can they claim this now?
Cant really help, sorry but as regards your NT code when were you made BR? I was made BR in oct 08 and my code changed to NT in January 09 (even though i dont earn enough to pay tax) so pretty pointless really. I dont have a IPA sorry.
You will need to carry on sending your wage slips if that's what's been requested, but if your tax code isn't changed by the new tax year in April it won't be changed at all. If that happens I think the OR claims the tax back from HMRC.
Congratulations for being discharged x
Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, today is the present, a gift to make the most of.