I would be grateful if you could advise on my I & E.
There is only myself going BK.
Here goes.
Contribution to partner for home £240 Housekeeping £180 Ground rent £90 (£1800 pa on holiday park where we live 46 weeks of the year). Alternative accommodation on park shutdown £40 Gas £37 Electric £28 Water 8 Telephone £30 Home insurance £9 Vehicle maintenance £46 (appears high but am self employed courier) Green Flag £9 Clothing £30 Prescriptions £9 Dental £10
Gross wages after business costs deducted (based on last 10 months)£350 and £196 working tax credit per month. Outgoings far outway income but this is a true reflection.
Hsve a look at Skippy's blog i believe she has her income & expenditure figgures on there for guidance - it is best to state what you feel you actually need for each of the items. I would increase the food though £300 per month for a couplw would not seem excessive.
Melanie Nicholas 28 years insolvency experience - 23 of which in the Insolvency Service - Insolvency Manager Jones Giles
However, what I have shown is not for a couple but for myself. These are true figures as you stated in previous threads so long as I make it clear it does not matter whether you only put your side of the household costs down. I prefer it this way as when I have the money this is what I pay and when I do not have the money my partner has to make up my shortfall. Hope that makes sense.