I need some very urgent advice. This was the consent order made, does this apply the same as a judgment order? Also as I am the First Defendant and the creditor who petitioned for my bankruptcy claimed 100% costs from me, but according to this consent order he was only entitled to 40% and my wife was ordered to pay 60%. Can anyone tell me if this creditor was correct in claiming 100% costs against me please?
Because I could not afford to pay these costs the creditor issued bankruptcy proceedings against me , and I have lost thousands of pounds in trustee fees e.t.c.
My question is was this creditor entitled to claim full costs as the consent order does not state it, thank you
The costs are probably a secondary issue here and i would encourage you to focus on the bankruptcy rather than the associated costs for a legal case.
Do you have assets to protect in bankruptcy have you already been made bankrupt do you have assets in excess of your debts ( and are therefore not technically insolvent)
If you have overwhelming dets and are to be made Br then it is almost irellevant how much the legals are because this debt will be included in the Br.