My parents have contacted the National Debtline in relation to a debt relief order (DRO) - my mother receives DLA for £258 per month, if this is counted then they will have just over the £50 surplus income and therefore not be eligible for a DRO. We have been advised to cancel this out by putting it down as an outgoing for mobility costs - do we need to justify what these mobility costs are?
The CAB may be the best place to question whether DLA is Means Tested The CAB seem to be the people sorting out the new DROs so they should know the answer
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurman) Life's too short!!!
Hi dont know if this helps at all but when we went BR last year our DLA was not taken into account. Maybe it works the same within a DRO best to check though.