Hi There I am going to court tomorrow to declare BR I was advised I could get the fee reduced if I am unemployed which I am, do I need any special forms or should I just turn up with my jobseekers letter and the reduced fee of £350 approx? I look forward to a reply asap please so I can prepare for the courts. Many Thanks
You will need to fill out form EX160A and have a letter stating you are recieving the benefit dated with in 1 month of tomorrows date. If you don't have that then you won't get the reduction but you can the reduction at a later date.
Well things went better than expected the judge was really understanding and assured me things would now be less stresful which I am grateful to the kindness of all who helped me through this.
I now have to speak with the OR on a weekly basis to discuss finances etc.
But once again many thanks to all, and yes there is light at the end of the tunnel.