Thank you all for your help and guidance over a very difficult and stressful 2 months.
I have now had my interview with the OR (I need not have worried - he was very helpful, understanding and not in the slightest judgemental)
I have a couple of questions left -
1. They have said in my letter that the 1st IPA payment will be on or after 5th Januray 2010 - does that mean they will back date any money owed to my bankruptcy date? or can i use any saved money for Christmas?
2. They also say i'm getting a nil tax code from approximately January 2010, meaning that i will be getting my tax back of approx 230 per month? How do i pay this to the recievers? Or is it still taken from my wage and given to them? or do i make an increased IPA payment until end of the tax year??
I'm just a bit confused and the reciever said that until its all signed and sent to "moon Beaver" they cant tell me how things are collected :-(
once you are given the NT tax code and paid gross, save the money you would have paid in tax and give it to Moonbeaver they are the normal solicitors used by the OR to collect the NT IPA
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurman) RevivaUK helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!
well done on your OR appointment pleased that he was helpful and understanding
1) you stated that the letter said the 1st payment is on 5th of Jan. so be it Happy xmas
2) Tax code / moon beaver you will have the nil tax at source, the extra £230 gets paid to you, you must put this money aside... in a hyperthetical world moon beaver will contact you on the same date as the tax gets paid to you and make arrangements to transfer cash.. however in the real world they are over run with work and it could be 2 or 3 months before they contact you.. please do not be tempted to spend the moon beaver cash.
moon beaver are a seperate company from the OR with purpose of getting your tax money, they report dircetly to OR if any problems.
Hi Kev,i'm in the same position as you and had my meeting with the OR last friday. He told me my IPA would start in January which would give me the chance to get christmas out of the way first. It sounds like you have been given that chance too. Have a great christmas, Dean.