hi myself and my husband are currently filling in the forms for bankruptcy as we see this is the only way for us to go if you dont mind i have a few questions ,we are in arrears with our mortgage company and have council tax arrears at that address we decided to move into rented accomadation and the place we have moved into is almost fully furnished we have had a tennancy agreement drawn up for this and it states the place is furnished wuth a list of all the items that belong to our land lord now as we have moved out of our old property the council tax have forwarded the bill to our new address also issued us with a new council tax bill to start from july 1st 2010 my question is do i start to pay the new council tax bill or wiil that be able to go with the bankruptcy when we take the paper work in to the courts do i add it to the debts that we have . i have found the council tax people to be darn right horrible the worse to be in debt with ive near enough had a breakdown through the stress of it and we moved to get the money together to pay for bankruptcy . we also had a shock when i rang the magistrates court to see if it was 600 for us both to go bankrupt or 600 each unfortunatly its 600 each but we are having to sell my car to pay for it as we have no savings left because for the last 2 years we have been robbing peter to pay paul but no longer are able to do so . i thank the lord for this site it hashelped me so much knowing we are not the only ones to go through this x
yes my wife and I had to post for BR, to spread the cost and other reason we did not go BR at the same time.
mortgage arrears, at the moment the debt is a secured debt on the house, once you have had the house sold the negative will be included in your bankruptcy total ( as long as listed as creditor on petition)
Council tax arrears before bankruptcy are normally included, however I believe their is a little sub clause stating that the council can still persue you, fortuantly most council act like grown ups and draw a line when you petition for BR. the problem potentially arises when you have declared BR, the mortgage provider will not admit to council that they have responsibility for the property, council then chase you for the new debt !
I would try to keep current utilities upto date as you may wish to keep their services after BR. I do not know best course of action for the council tax because any money you pay to them they will try to use it to clear the arrears first,
Landlord property and assosciated furntiure is clearly not an issue.
Annette I would drop one of the experts a quick email or phone call they may be able to help and take some of the pressure away.
I used Paul and his team at Reviva and would recomend them
Annette i would definately speak to a professional expert to make sure you have all you "ducks in a row" timing and planning is crucial in BR and it is better to have control of the situation rather than being carried along with the flow.
Don't worry or know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.(Baz Lurhman) RevivaUK and Paul Johns helped me through it all i can't recommend them enough!!