we sent our keys back to the mortgage provider last april and the property didnt tkae very long to sell . i am applying for bankruptcy on the 24th march it do i have to write this down in my bankruptcy forms even though our house was recently sold . we where sent nothing to say the house had been sold is this common practice .
Yes, you will need to pop the details of this property and any potential debt on your forms.
thank you for your reply im just getting the hang of this forum all though ive been reading it for the last 2 years myself and my husband have struggled for the last 4 years robbing peter to pay paul im only now able to pay for the bankruptcy due to my mother paying for me i am very grateful she is doing this and had to swollow alot of pride along this horrible journey.
we moved out of our house last april and are now renting sent the keys back at the end of april too to the mortgage company but never recieved any info or letter to say that the house was on the market and then sold . my husband is unable to go for bankruptcy at the same time as me due to not having the funds we have a cheap run around (car) that he is selling but just our luck some one decided to back into it at the back of where my husband works and drive off so now we are also left with that to pay for too ....i tell you its a wonder ive not lost my hair through all the stress . i know we will still recieve knocks at the door because my husband cant do the bankruptcy yet but at least we are half way there .
welcome to forum, you are welcome to post on the forum and ask questions
Most of us will try to be supportive and help.
Everyones circumstances are slightly different, so the advice will tend to be generic rather than exact (edit after post)
The rules and regs for Bankruptcy are not black and white subsequently they are open to vast range of interpretations.
If your case is slightly complex or you have specific areas thast are not covered in general threads, I would suggest contacting one of the experts direct.
what court are you considering going too ? one of the many posters may be able to share experiences