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Starting Member
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Posted - 06 November 2008 : 15:28:12
just wondering what sort of forum this is when a perfectly valid and open topic is simply deleted. there was no offensive remarks or swearing in any of the posts just people's honest and valuable opinions. i think someone somewhere should take a good hard look at what has happened to this site in recent weeks. prehaps the name "experts" should be rephrased in some way it is obviously leading people to believe they truly are! i wonder how long it will take for this topic to be deleted?
y |
Junior Member
United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 November 2008 : 15:57:44
Thank you again for your comments. This site has been set up to answer questions and queries with regards to Br and all help is given free.
If you are maybe having a little dig at the experts and i am not sure here but that they may be aimed at me for not being an expert then i am sorry. I post in my own time and for free. I give advice to my own knowledge and experience and i dont claim to know anymore than i answer too.
With comments that had been made about me being rude in the original post that has now being deleted then yes i do take offence, i dont wish to be rude, if that is how people view me then i may as well not bother and i will by all means leave the site, i only had intentions of helping people, i have never meant to come across as something i am not but wanted to be that arm of support when needed.
Sorry if i have ever offended anyone with my posts, i will speak with admin and see what state of play is.
Again Sorry
Your Forum Moderator
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called:
Jo's Links and added info on Bankruptcy!
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Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:22:57
for the short time i have posting on here, i have not once experienced anything but helpful advice...if thats what your after then there is no way that your post would have been deleted....i cant even imagine what you must have posted for that to have happened!! as needafriend said, most people on here are doing so in thier own time and of thier own free will...YOU my friend are taking up valuable space in this site which is in place for people who really do need advice.....and as i have said, after replys ive had and reading other peoples, everyones responses have been nothing but helpful.... i suggest you post elsewhere!!!
Junior Member
United Kingdom
120 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:24:20
Your advice has beem invaluble some and others please do not be swayed by one person. It is people like you that can answer questions and steer people through Br as we are all ordinary people here trying to see a way out and i do know that if YOU can't help you always say your not sure and someone will be along later. I have never known you to be rude even to me when we chat, IF anything you come across as caring person, and without you this site wouldn't be the same (sorry to the other experts but you get my drift) |
New Member

United Kingdom
73 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:26:09
Hi all
short and sweet - debate is a very healthy thing and if any members should like to call the helpline and ask for me personally I would welcome members views as well as air my own.
The forum however is not the place because the written word can be all to easily misinterpreted. I know I've raised the issue twice before Ashen Light's post and it didn't work out then either.
Let's all continue to help as many of the members as we can. I hope anyone that has today suggested that they may stop posting will reconsider. Take care all. 0800 078 9367 |
Junior Member
United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:26:41
Stae of play Jo is your FANTASTIC |
Junior Member

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195 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:32:38
| im really curious as to what he said.....
Junior Member
United Kingdom
344 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:33:03
hi Kazy, Mac & John
I am very thankful for your replies that has touched me and i want to say that i wont be beaten down by such nosense again, but as John says the topic tht was deleted is not really something that can be shared on here for misinterpretations are to be expected.
I am like you all and have earnt my status by going through BR and i am still am. I am only human as you all are and feel that as my name suggests that in your time of need you will always "NEEDAFRIEND" and i am that friend.
I dont work for any companies i am a Mum of 3 and right now i offer my time to you all for free andgive advice how i see it and i try not to give wrong or misleading info as we all need to know the truth and have that support.
This forum is for support and to make friends and if its ok with you guys i would like to continue and i do sincerely hope that i am never rude to any of you.
Thanks for listening
Your friend
Your Forum Moderator
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called:
Jo's Links and added info on Bankruptcy!
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:38:02
he is a she MAC and i didn't actually say anything to needafriend thankyou. there were postings by several 'members' on there. all saying the same thing. if only you could see that topic now. very strange it went! |
Junior Member
United Kingdom
120 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:45:59
Needafriend, not sure where abouts in this "sunny island" you are but your always close
Junior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:48:59
as i said, i havent been able to read the posts so if ive taken this post out of context then i apologise...just wondering what was said as its also very strange for a post to be deleted.
Junior Member

United Kingdom
195 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:53:06
.....just as you have taken needafriend out of context, it is VERY unlikely that she would be cheeky.
Junior Member
United Kingdom
344 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 16:55:24
Hi Mac & Yonky
The post has gone now and that should be the end of it. I defended myself that was all but as John and I have both said the topic if which was being discussed should have been done in another way.
As we all know that words can sometimes come across in different ways to different readers and i think this is what happened earlier, their was a remark made at me by another poster on that thread and that was the one i took offence too, but as i have said i dont pretend to something i am not.
I also never intend to come across as being Rude which was mentioned on there and the fact that i only answered things that i wanted to go my way and refered to me as not liking things when they dont, yes that hurt but thats the past now and the user is a new one and not the person who has started this thread now.
Thanks for the defence guys. Lets put it in the past. :-)
Your Forum Moderator
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called:
Jo's Links and added info on Bankruptcy!
Starting Member

United Kingdom
44 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 17:10:51
I dont think we need to chew on things here as we all have problems, and the help ive had from this site, has kept me sane when i was desperate enough to think of suicide. I found the original post somewhat politely pompous (middle class white male states opinion sort of thing) and its no wonder fur was rubbed the wrong way. Anybody who didnt read it isnt missing anything - ive forgotten it already, so please dont stop posting jo, you've been a friend when i felt i had no one to turn to |
Junior Member
United Kingdom
344 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 17:29:39
Thanks Guys and Gals
It is also because of you that i keep going.
"From deep in my heart I am saying Thank you very much, you are all my friends and we all need those."
I wont be going anywhere, i am here to stay, like it or lump it, i feel i have a job to do and im gonna do it and do it well and that job is to be there for you all.
Your Forum Moderator
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called:
Jo's Links and added info on Bankruptcy!
Junior Member
494 Posts |
Posted - 06 November 2008 : 18:58:04
Keep the good work up Needafriend.
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