Plan to go bankrupt next month. How long would it take for my creaditor ie loan & creadit card companys sent their people to my mailling address. Had wrote three cheque, three thousand pound each to someone back in July and August, would the OR claim them back. Had a foreigh life policy worth aroung £3800, cashed in and been given to my mum as her living espenses for the years to come. Would The OR claim it back from my mun? Please help,THanks
Thank you very much Johns for answering my question. I just wonder why the credit card company will bring the matter to their attention as the cheques are from a bank? Please reply, Thanks. regards Thomas
What do you mean as giving that money to your mum as expemses for years to come? To be honest that sounds like a case of hiding assets & I can see your mum having to pay the money back & you with a BRO.
The cheques would show up on your bank statements that you have to provide for the OR & he would want to know who they went to & why.
Hi, thank for the reply. For the last ten years or so, I send approximate £3k per year to support my mum as I'm her only dependent. So, when in BR, I don't think I can aford or allow to send mony back there. The money from the life policy is the only available fund. The situation will be reveal to the OR. Pls advise how it can be done. Just been told the OR is powerless to act on oversea account. ie the account under my mum name.